New LeaderGPU® feature: Password-less SSH for Linux Bare Metal Dedicated GPU Servers

All LeaderGPU® users working with Linux servers (Ubuntu/CentOS) can use the new SSH password-less authentication method. (For Windows®, this option is not yet available.)

To use password-less SSH authentication, the user needs to generate an SSH key pair and upload a public key to the server for authorisation.

Walkthrough for enabling password-less SSH:

1. Generate an SSH key pair:


2. Copy the public key to the server:

ssh-copy-id user@host

## or:

ssh-copy-id "user@host -p 1234"

3. After copying the key, you can connect via SSH:

ssh user@host

Now you will not need to enter a password when connecting.

Also, you can add a public key in the LeaderGPU® control panel.

  1. After logging in to the control panel, go to "My Profile" and click the "SSH Keys" button.
  2. On the "My SSH Keys" page, click the "Add SSH Key" button.
  3. Fill in "Name" with any friendly name of the key, such as "My public key", "" or something similar.
  4. Fill in the "Public key" field with content from your public SSH key. *
  5. Click "Add SSH Key" to confirm changes.
  6. Repeat steps 2–5 if you're going to use several public keys.

Now, when you start (or re-install) a server with any Linux OS from the panel, you will see the "SSH Keys" select box in the start dialogue (pic). Select a key that you would like to be installed on the server and click "Start".

The selected key will be installed to the server, and you can log in to the server without password.

Advantages of password-less SSH

This authentication method has several advantages:

  • Simple and quick login. No need to enter a password for new sessions.
  • Higher security and reliability compared to using passwords (if the client device is protected sufficiently).
  • Better authorisation management.
  • Easy setup.

Test the new LeaderGPU® option right now!

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